27 October 2013
24th Meeting of the Molecular Chaperone Club
29/10/13 12:37
The next meeting of the UK Molecular Chaperone Club, which will be held in Oxford on Monday 16th December. This one-day meeting will bring together researchers to discuss recent published and unpublished results in this area. The meeting program will consist of oral presentations only, and will include a plenary lecture given by Prof Amnon Horovitz (Weizmann Institute). As is the long-standing tradition of the Molecular Chaperone Cub, we strongly encourage early career researchers, and in particular graduate students and post-docs and early career scientists to submit abstracts.
Registration is open, abstracts should be created using the template available from here, and sent to molchapclub@gmail.com by the 22nd November.
Registration is open, abstracts should be created using the template available from here, and sent to molchapclub@gmail.com by the 22nd November.