Daniel Zachor Movshovitz

Daniel completed her B.Sc. in Chemistry and M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences at Tel-Aviv University, Israel. Her Master’s research was in the Analytical Chemistry field, developing an analytical method to detect and quantitate chemotherapeutic drugs in hospital waste-water. After years in the industry, she begun her Ph.D. studies at Professor Michal Sharon’s lab in The Weizmann Institute, Israel, using native and direct MS methods to study protein-protein interactions. She joined the Benesch group as a research assistant, utilising Mass Photometry to study proteasomes.

Anna van der Zalm

Anna was a chemistry undergraduate, and joined us as a PartII student from St. Peter's College. She was jointly supervised with Andy Baldwin combining the use of NMR and mass spectrometry for studying the aggregation behaviour of amyloidogenic proteins.
(Oct 2014 - June 2015)