Filed in:Research Articles
The Jumonji-C oxygenase JMJD7 catalyzes (3S)-lysyl hydroxylation of TRAFAC GTPases
Markolovic, S., Zhuang, Q., Wilkins, S.E., Eaton, C.D., Abboud, M., Katz, M.J., McNeil, H.E., Leśniak, R., Hall, C., Struwe, W.B., Konietzny, R., Davis, S., Yang, M., Ge, W., Benesch, J., Kessler, B., Ratcliffe, P., Cockman, M., Fischer, R., Wappner, P., Chowdhury, R., Coleman, M., Schofield, C.J.
Nat. Chem. Biol. (2018), 14, 688-695
Markolovic, S., Zhuang, Q., Wilkins, S.E., Eaton, C.D., Abboud, M., Katz, M.J., McNeil, H.E., Leśniak, R., Hall, C., Struwe, W.B., Konietzny, R., Davis, S., Yang, M., Ge, W., Benesch, J., Kessler, B., Ratcliffe, P., Cockman, M., Fischer, R., Wappner, P., Chowdhury, R., Coleman, M., Schofield, C.J.
Nat. Chem. Biol. (2018), 14, 688-695