Filed in:Research Articles
Characterisation of Shigella Spa33 and Thermotoga FliM/N reveals a new model for C-ring assembly in T3SS
McDowell, M.A., Marcoux, J., McVicker, G., Johnson, S., Fong, Y.H., Stevens, R., Bowman, L.A., Degiacomi, M.T., Yan, J., Wise, A., Friede, M., Benesch, J.L.P., Deane, J.E., Tang, C.M., Robinson, C.V., Lea, S.M.
Mol. Micro. (2016), 99, 759-66
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McDowell, M.A., Marcoux, J., McVicker, G., Johnson, S., Fong, Y.H., Stevens, R., Bowman, L.A., Degiacomi, M.T., Yan, J., Wise, A., Friede, M., Benesch, J.L.P., Deane, J.E., Tang, C.M., Robinson, C.V., Lea, S.M.
Mol. Micro. (2016), 99, 759-66
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